
A Soft Gripper with Retractable Nails for Advanced Grasping and Manipulation

Abstract: This study describes the enhancement of a vacuum actuated soft gripper's grasping capabilities using retractable finger nails and an active re-configurable palm. The finger nail mechanism is pneumatically actuated and enables the gripper to perform complex grasping and manipulation tasks with high repeatability. The retracted nails can exert normal grasping forces of up [...]

A Soft Gripper with Retractable Nails for Advanced Grasping and Manipulation2022-03-23T11:23:42+08:00

Hybrid and soft grippers

Traditional grippers used in industrial automation are designed for specific tasks and their mechanisms are composed primarily of stiff components. These systems tend to be expensive, heavy, bulky, and not easily adaptable to a wide variety of object shapes, sizes, and compliances. New industrial applications increasingly involve a wider range of parts to be grasped, [...]

Hybrid and soft grippers2022-03-23T11:23:42+08:00

High-resolution polymer waveguide devices fabricated using three-dimensional multiphoton lithography

  HIGH-RESOLUTION POLYMER WAVEGUIDE DEVICES FABRICATED USING THREE-DIMENSIONAL MULTIPHOTON LITHOGRAPHY Hongwei Gao, George F.R. Chen, Peng Xing, Ju Won Choi, Hong Yee Low, Dawn T.H. Tan Abstract: Three-dimensional polymer waveguide devices are fabricated using 3Dmultiphoton lithography, including photonic waveguides, Bragg gratings and ring resonators with sub-micron gap sizes. Error-free transmission of 30Gb/s non-return-to-zero data [...]

High-resolution polymer waveguide devices fabricated using three-dimensional multiphoton lithography2022-03-23T11:23:42+08:00

Design framework for mechanically tunable soft biomaterial composites enhanced by modified horseshoe lattice structures

Abstract Soft biomaterials have a wide range of applications in many areas. However, one material can only cover a specific range of mechanical performance such as the elastic modulus and stretchability. In order to improve the mechanical performance of soft biomaterials, lattice structures are embedded to reinforce the biomaterials. In this paper, rectangular and triangular [...]

Design framework for mechanically tunable soft biomaterial composites enhanced by modified horseshoe lattice structures2022-03-23T11:23:43+08:00
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