2308, 2021

AZO Sensors:Liquid Metal Antennas with High Wireless Powering Efficiency for Biological Use

AZO Sensors featured a research by SUTD researchers on using Galinstan to make stretchable and conductive traces microfluidic antennas for biological use. The article included a quote from postdoctoral research fellow, Dr Kento Yamagishi from DManD, Associate Prof Michinao Hashimoto and also mentioned Assistant Prof Huang Shaoying. Development of a wirelessly powered light-emitting device based on a liquid metal microfluidic antenna. Direct […]
2807, 2021

WED Seminar Series: Sustainability and Circular Economy

From 2 June to 28 July, every Wednesday, you are cordially invited to 2021 June & July Wednesday Seminar Series on Sustainability and Circular Economy! A Better World by Design is our motto in Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) that is reflected in our teaching and research. A Better World in the 21st century must include sustainable development and human activities. Sustainability is a complex […]
2807, 2021

2021 Jul Wed Seminar: Design Optimization for Circularity

Title| Design Optimization for Circularity  Speaker| Peter Ortner, Assistant Professor, Architecture and Sustainable Design,  Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). ABSTRACT This lecture asks how designers can reduce the waste produced by their buildings and products by implementing computational optimization within a design for circularity framework. Circular Economy is an idea that proposes moving from a ‘take-make-use-dispose’ linear economy toward a zero-waste future, where waste outputs […]
2607, 2021

Straits Times: Singapore taps green tech to feed, water and power its people

Straits Times published an article on Singapore tapping green technology to feed, water and power its people. The article briefly mentioned that a research team at SUTD has found a way to harness energy from the desalination process. This research is led by Associate Prof Yang Hui Ying. Original Link: https://www.straitstimes.com/opinion/singapore-taps-green-tech-to-feed-water-and-power-its-people On July 14, Singapore unveiled one of the world’s largest inland floating […]
2107, 2021

2021 Jul Wed Seminar: Water Circularity Assessment and Policy Implications for Singapore

Title| Water Circularity Assessment and Policy Implications for Singapore Speaker| Mohit Arora, Postdoc Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom. ABSTRACT With significant efforts made to consider water reuse in cities including Singapore, a robust and replicable framework is needed to quantify the degree of urban water circularity and its impacts from a systems perspective. A quantitative urban water circularity framework can benchmark the progress […]
1407, 2021

2021 Jul Wed Seminar: The Role of Design in Circular Economy

Title| The Role of Design in Circular Economy Speaker| Ana Espada, Research Fellow, UTOP Driving Circularity, Portugal and Belgium. ABSTRACT An overall perspective of today’s reality: unprecedented challenges and the call for urgent action. The European Green Deal a paradigm-shifting in politics on the EU level and the brief link to UN Sustainable Development Goals. Discussion on the role of design in this shift from […]
0707, 2021

2021 Jul Wed Seminar: Green Composites for Automotive Sustainability

Title| Green Composites for Automotive Sustainability Speaker| Georgios Koronis, Research Fellow, Engineering Product Development, SUTD. ABSTRACT The use of natural fibers in applications where synthetic fibers are the norm has been growing steadily in recent years. Comparing the structural performance and environmental impact of parts made of natural and synthetic fibers becomes increasingly important for both industry and education. However, it is not always clear the advantages […]
0707, 2021

Tech Xplore: A universal approach to tailoring soft robots

Tech Xplore published research on a novel automated process for designing and fabricating customised soft robots. This study was led by Assistant Professor Pablo Valdivia y Alvarado. Original Link: https://techxplore.com/news/2021-07-universal-approach-tailoring-soft-robots.html By combining two distinct approaches into an integrated workflow, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) researchers have developed a novel automated process for designing and fabricating customized soft robots. Their method, published […]
0607, 2021

Phys.org: Ultra-strong squeezing of light demonstrated for ultrafast optical signal processing

Phys.org published an article about squeezing light in time by a factor of 11, which can enable ultrafast optical signal processing. The principal investigator of this work is Associate Prof Dawn Tan. Original link: https://phys.org/news/2021-07-ultra-strong-ultrafast-optical.html Schematic of the USRN compressor system. The system is comprised of separate nonlinear and dispersive stages. For spectral compression (SC), pulses enter the dispersive stage (DS) first before […]
0407, 2021

Channel 8:Chinese News – SUTD builds first staff lounge using 3D printing technology to customise furniture

Channel 8 and Channel U Chinese news programmes featured Assistant Prof Carlos Bañón’s work for DB Schenker, redesigning their staff lounge with furniture made from 3D-printing. Click to watch the news: 新加坡科技设计大学和一所物流公司联手打造出本地首间利用3D打印技术定制家具的员工休息室。里头的桌椅和吊灯都是以回收物品制成的,鼓励员工将可持续发展理念融入日常工作中。 直径约三米的巨型吊灯,由900个塑料瓶子制成。新科大团队将塑料瓶子沥干后搅碎,再把它烘干当作原材料放入料斗,在挤压机250度高温下,利用机器手移动托盘就能准确地打印出复杂的结构。整齐排列的窗户灯饰也以相同技术打印出。休息区桌椅也注入回收环保理念。 这张椅子是使用聚乙烯塑料制成的,承重超过100公斤,不仅防水也容易清洁。而这张桌子部分结构则是使用纸皮制成的。这整间员工休息室六张小桌子,善加利用了超过200个被废弃的纸皮。 新加坡科技设计大学建筑与可持续设计助理教授卡洛斯说:“至于家具保养,不会比一般售卖的家具来得复杂。成本方面可能更便宜,因为通过3D打印技术,我们只使用所需的原材料,大大减少了原材料浪费。” 公司也让员工参与了设计和组装过程。 信可物流公司空运业务总监陈亲孝说:“因为这些材料都是平常他们都是有接触的,可是没有人会想到其实这些材料,其实是可以赋予他们另一个生命。对于创意方面也是有些激发,然后对于他们有一些归属感,就是他们也是参与,一起打造了这个很特别的空间。” 休息室预计下个月开放供员工使用。公司表示这是个起点,接下来还将探讨在其他设施采用相同的环保概念。