3006, 2022

Kr-Asia: The future of agrifood tech in Southeast Asia: Novel foods set to be the new normal

Kr-Asia wrote an article on the future of agrifood tech in Southeast Asia and briefly mentioned SUTD’s collaboration with Khoo Teck Puat Hospital to create 3D-printed meals for elderly and hospital patients. Original Link: https://kr-asia.com/the-future-of-agrifood-tech-in-southeast-asia-novel-foods-set-to-be-the-new-norma Asia is likely to experience exponential growth in food demand—and consequently spending on food—in the coming decades. According to a report titled “The Asia food challenge: Understanding the […]
3006, 2022

Kr-Asia: The future of agrifood tech in Southeast Asia: Novel foods set to be the new normal

Kr-Asia wrote an article on the future of agrifood tech in Southeast Asia and briefly mentioned SUTD’s collaboration with Khoo Teck Puat Hospital to create 3D-printed meals for elderly and hospital patients. Original Link: https://kr-asia.com/the-future-of-agrifood-tech-in-southeast-asia-novel-foods-set-to-be-the-new-normal Asia is likely to experience exponential growth in food demand—and consequently spending on food—in the coming decades. According to a report titled “The Asia food challenge: Understanding the […]
0806, 2022

Straits Times: Polytechnic students impress judges with a 3D printed dish inspired by Indian palak paneer

Straits Times and various media such as Tamil Seithi reported about the SUTD X Armstrong 3D Printing & Design Innovation Challenge 2022. The Straits Times article included quotes from Prof Chua Chee Kai. Original Link: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/polytechnic-students-impress-audience-with-a-3d-printed-dish-inspired-by-indian-palak-paneer Singapore Polytechnic engineering students Chong Ing Kai (left) and Yew Zi Hon with the 3D printed dish they constructed. ST PHOTO: LIM YAOHUI SINGAPORE – Inspired by […]
3105, 2022

RIE News May 2022: Underwater Stingray Robots

RIE News May 2022 issue featured research from Assistant Prof Pablo Valdivia y Alvarado regarding Underwater Stingray Robots, see page 5, RIE News: https://www.nrf.gov.sg/docs/default-source/default-document-library/nrf-magazine/nrf-magazine-(may-2022)a.pdf Researchers from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) developed a new approach to model the dynamics of underwater stingray-like robots using Machine Learning. This approach can enable more efficient swimming in complex underwater environments by accurately predicting […]
3105, 2022


RIE News May 2022 issue featured Associate Prof Foong Shaohui, see page 6 – 8, RIE News: https://www.nrf.gov.sg/docs/default-source/default-document-library/nrf-magazine/nrf-magazine-(may-2022)a.pdf REINVENTING DRONES WITH INSPIRATIONS FROM NATURE Dr Foong Shaohui and his team at SUTD harnessed the unique abilities of a winged seed into a pocket-sized drone design. Imagine a drone that is so small in size that it can fit into one’s pocket, and can easily […]
1905, 2022

Asian Scientist: Deep Learning for Underwater Robots

Asian Scientist published an article on deep learning for underwater robots. This research was led by Assistant Prof Pablo Valdivia y Alvarado. Original Link: https://www.asianscientist.com/2022/05/in-the-lab/deep-learning-for-underwater-robots/ Researchers in Singapore are training soft robots to effectively move through water using deep machine learning. Source: Singapore University of Technology and Design; Illustration: Shelly Liew An eagle’s majestic glide through the air, a dragonfly’s controlled hover over a pond, a […]
0905, 2022

We are BACK! hyperganic 2 Days Intensive Masterclass in Algorithmic Engineering

We are BACK!  We are pleased to inform you that the workshop will be held again on May 9 & 10 and it has been streamlined to only 2 days. Prior to the workshop, you will receive the license to access and you will need to complete the Level 1 test (3 hours self-guided) before the masterclass.  The seats are limited, so register […]
3004, 2022

Lianhe Zaobao: 新航和新科大联办升级再造挑战赛 客舱座椅变宠物玩具 飞机安全带改成双肩包

Lianhe Zaobao did a feature on the SUTD X SIA Upcycling Challenge 2021/2022 – Giving New Life to Parts from Retired Aircraft that jointly organized by SUTD and SIA. The winners were announced on Friday, April 29 2022. Original Link: https://www.zaobao.com.sg/news/singapore/story20220430-1267842 *Read the News reported by Straits Times HERE. 南洋女中六名女生利用客舱座椅和安全带升级再造成双肩包,获得中学组首奖。(陈来福摄) 学子们发挥创意,将飞机客舱内拆卸下的部件废物利用,制作出背包、宠物用品、收纳架等生活用品。 这项由新加坡航空公司和新加坡科技设计大学共同组织的升级再造挑战赛(SUTD-SIA Upcycling Challenge),是新航升级再造计划的一部分,旨在提升本地公众通过设计来回收利用旧物的意识。 昨天举行的决赛中,中学及大专组共12支队伍现场展示了作品成品并阐释了设计理念。 利用客舱座椅、安全带等物件制作而成的犬类用品获得大学组首奖。三名设计者中,连国海(21岁,大一)和吴政锐(22岁,大一)两人家中都有宠物犬,因此想到可以将座椅面料升级改造为咀嚼玩具、背包、宠物床等用品。 获得中学组首奖的作品是南洋女中六名女生设计的双肩包。彭慧仁(15岁,中四)说:“这项活动让我们学会废物利用,将飞机上常看到的材料升级再造,做出有用的物品。” 王惠莉(14岁,中三)说,将设计概念变成实物经历很多道工序,制作过程考验团队的分工合作。团队非常感谢学校环保协会负责老师一直以来的支持。 获奖作品可能会被赛事合作伙伴纳入考量,日后上架售卖。
2904, 2022

Straits Times: Materials from retired A380 aircraft upcycled and given new lease of life

Straits Times reported the SUTD X SIA Upcycling Challenge 2021/2022 – Giving New Life to Parts from Retired Aircraft that jointly organized by SUTD and SIA. The winners were announced on Friday, April 29 2022. Original Link: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/materials-from-retired-a380-aircraft-upcycled-and-given-new-lease-of-life The team from Nanyang Girls’ High School won the top prize in the pre-tertiary category with their Leathair Bag. ST PHOTO: GAVIN FOO SINGAPORE – Premium leather […]
1304, 2022

Lianhe Zaobao:Customised 3D food printed meals on demand 

Lianhe Zaobao did a feature on 3D food printing and interviewed EPD HOP Prof Chua Chee Kai, an expert in this area. The article also included quotes from EPD research assistant, Victoria Tan. Original Link: https://www.zaobao.com.sg/lifestyle/feature/story20220413-1262211 Translation Printing the food that you want to eat like printing a document, may seem like a fantasy, but current 3D printing technology is setting off a […]