Objective: Enable the designer to exploit the unique capabilities of AM and emerging materials with novel methods to design simultaneously the product, its materials, and their manufacturing processes while exploring trade-offs among competing objectives.
Journal Publications
- Li S., Serjouei A., Zhang B., Hingorani H., Goh W.H., Larush L., Pawar A.A., Sakhaei A.H., Hashimoto M., Kowsari K., Magdassi S., Ge Q., “Highly Stretchable Hydrogels for Digital Light Processing Based Multimaterial 3D Printing”, Mater. Chem. B, 2018, 6, 3246-3253.
- Park, S-I., Rosen, D.W., “Homogenization of Mechanical Properties for Material Extrusion Periodic Lattice Structures Considering Joint Stiffening Effects,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 140, No. 11, paper 111414, 2018.
- Xiong, S. Park, S. Padmanathan, A. G. Dharmawan, S. Foong, D. W. Rosen, G.S. Soh, “Process Planning for Adaptive Contour Parallel Toolpath in Additive Manufacturing with Variable Bead Width.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.105(10),4159-4170,2019.
- Xiong, P. L. T. Duong, D. Wang, S. Park, Q. Ge, N. Raghavan, D. W. Rosen, “Data-Driven Design Space Exploration and Exploitation for Design for Additive Manufacturing.” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 141(10),101101,2019.
- Boddeti, G.N., Rosen, D.W., Maute, K., Dunn, M.L., “Multiscale Optimal Design and Fabrication of Laminated Composites,” Composite Structures, 228: 111366, 2019.
- Flores, I., Boddeti, G.N., Hassani, V., Dunn, M.L., Rosen, D.W., “Design and Additive Manufacture of Functionally Graded Structures Based on Digital Materials,” Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 30, paper 100839, 2019.
- Xiong, Y.L. Tang, S. Park, D. W. Rosen, Harnessing Process Variables in Additive Manufacturing for Design Using Manufacturing Elements, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 142(7): 072002, 2020.
- Wang, D., Xiong, Y., Zhang, B., Zhang, Y-F., Rosen, D.W., Ge, Q., “Design Framework for Mechanically Tunable Soft Biomaterial Composite Enhanced by Modified Horseshoe Lattice Structures,” Soft Matter, Vol. 16, pp. 1473-1484, 2020.
- Wang, F., Yuan, C., Wang, D., Rosen, D.W., Ge, Q., “A phase evolution based constitutive model for shape memory polymer and its application in 4D printing,” Smart Materials and Structures, 29(5), 055016, 2020.
- Yuan, X., Wang, F., Rosen, D.W., Ge, Q., “3D printing of multi-material composites with tunable shape memory behavior,” Materials and Design, Vol. 193, paper 108785, 2020.
- Xiong, Y., Dharmawan, A.G., Tang, Y., Foong, S., Soh, G.S., Rosen, D.W., “A Knowledge-based Process Planning Framework for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing,” Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol. 45, paper 101135, 2020.
- Tang, Y., Xiong, Y., Park, S-I., Rosen, D.W., “Universal material template for heterogeneous objects with applications to additive manufacturing,” Computer-Aided Design, accepted July 2020.
- Rosen, D.W., “Thoughts on Design for Intelligent Manufacturing,” Engineering, 5: 609-614, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2019.07.011
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